
6 important elements you need to have for a high-converting landing page

So, what is a landing page?

When a potential customer is finally prepared to choose one of the services you provide, they end up here: the landing page. So, you need to make it interesting enough to convince them to buy from you. They will fly away to somewhere else if you don’t! A landing page basically ensures that your company has a significant online presence on social media and search engines. This is where your customers will look for you.

So, here are 6 important elements you need to incorporate into your landing page to make it a high-converting one:

1. Include attractive photos of your items

Imagery is important on the internet. Photos of your products that are blurry, dark, or hard to read will chase potential customers away. Your website is like a virtual storefront, so show off your products in the best way possible. If you have the means, hire a professional. It will be worth the cost.

2. Add your contact information

If you have a physical business, you should add your contact information to the landing page. Before they click the “buy” button, many people will have doubts. Your job is to give them complete clarity. Sharing your contact information shows that your business is reliable and gives people a chance to ask questions before making their decision. Also, many people who visit landing pages hate having to fill out forms or give their email addresses, so don’t make your users fill out too many forms.

3. Be clear with your messaging

If the words on your landing page don’t make sense, your audience won’t connect with you, which will hurt your clicks. Landing pages with high conversion rates use consistent messaging, so the audience always knows what the business is trying to communicate.

Also, a good landing page doesn’t always need a lot of words or pictures. Most of the time, simple designs work best. In short, clear communication means better service, and your website visitors will know that.

4. Offer a solution

The best landing pages, those that get people to click, respect their visitors’ time, and get to the point quickly. Once you know what the users’ pain points are, you offer solutions. Explain what you are offering and what makes your product or service stand out from those of your competitors.

5. Make sure the CTA stands out

The best way to get a visitor’s attention on your landing page is to use colors in your calls to action (CTA) that stand out and are distinct from one another. Your CTA should be placed and colored in such a way that immediately catches the eyes of your visitors.

Here are some important things to include in it:

  • Keep the text short and focused on what it will do for the reader
  • Add colors that stand out to make your CTA button pop
  • Put the button in a prominent place where you know it will get the most attention

6. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly

Nowadays, people use their phones more than their computers. Most of the time, businesses make the mistake of not taking this into consideration, making landing pages that aren’t mobile-friendly. Landing pages that aren’t well-designed for mobile devices can be hard to use and give the user an unpleasant experience when viewed on anything but a desktop. The best thing to do is to use a responsive design that automatically changes to fit different screen sizes. If you don’t give your users the best possible experience across the board, you will lose valuable opportunities and leads.
